Welcome to my Old School Mechanics site.

This website will probably look horrible on most modern small screen devices as it was not designed with responsive capable software, however it is suitable for laptops & desktops. That's a shame because I am not going to learn the new technologies so most people will have to use fingers to re-size and move around the pages. Vid on the left is just about my U-Tube channel and what I use it for.
I am now fully retired, no more working on cars from home etc etc. I sometimes get a spurt of energy and add new stuff on every now and then, so the easiest way to check for new articles since your last visit is to click on the red update button in the menu system to the left.

My first business venture, opened 1979 and sold in 1989. Was originally Engine Tuning, Carburettor & Fuel Injection Centre, when I sold it, the new owner purchased a Dyno and a stack of fuel injection test equipment. |

This business was purchased in 2013 and only sold Holden and Commodore used spares parts. I expanded the business by investing in new spare parts to cater for parts that we could not supply from the wrecking yard. I closed the shop in Oct 2018.

I added a workshop to the back of Kenny's Holden Spares and specialised in what I knew best as well as offering general mechanical repairs on all makes & models.
Please contact me if you feel there is something not right on my site. Eg. links not working, obvious hacking, incorrect information, etc.
Thank-you for your co-operation.