The Good Old Days, in the Summer of 88

Below are some old photos from the Glastone Observer of some of the equipment I had.

That's me in 1988 when I had some hair on my scalp showing off some of the high tech gear I had to play with. The new owner of the business was shy and didn't want his photo taken. The latest model digital Bosch scope arrived a few days later and didn't make the papers. The old analog Allen scope I first purchased in 1980 and was the workhorse of the business. The dyno console is to my left and further left is the Bosch 8400 EFI diagnostic tester and above that is a 4 way exhaust gas analyser that was used only for the dyno work. The Allen scope had a 2 way exhaust analyser and the Bosch also had a 4 way exhaust analyser. With this equipment I was able to diagnose any problem that came my way.