Toyota Coaster 1HZ Pre-heat & Glow Plug Testing |
In TT15, I went through a diagnostic cheat sheet and one of the items mentioned that could be responsible for a no start engine was the pre-heat & glow plug circuit. If your engine starts fine then this section is not your problem. The video explains the process of testing the pre-heat system first as it is the easiest to check. I then move on to checking the glow plug. If you have no power to the glow plug when you first turn on the ignition, then check for a blown fuse. If fuse is OK then it starts to get complicated. In the 2000 model Coaster there are a few pieces to the puzzle. There is a glow plug relay, timer relay and more. A good wiring diagram is required and knowing where the items are located would be very handy. I know in my Coaster it took a lot of time to find out where the components of the pre-heat system were hidden. Luckily for the time being I don't need to locate them for testing as my system works fine. Not quite everything I have covered in the video is in the 1HZ engine manual that I have made available for you. It is a 1990 version, so some specs could and will be different to your engine and make and model of vehicle, but the procedures for testing and should be the same no matter what diesel you have, with the exception of computer controlled diesel engines. Not seen in the video but the 1HZ manual said zero ohms resistance on the glow plug but after looking through a spec data sheet for my model Coaster, I found it to be 3.1 ohms, so yeah it pays to have the correct data. The manual also covers the 1PZ and 1HD-T engines from that era as well. Download 1HZ Engine Manual here.