Suits models:
Chrysler Centura KC 4/77-78 4.0L
Chrysler CL CM 11/76-6/81 3.5L 4.3L 215/265
Chrysler CL CM 11/76-6/80 5.2L V8 318ci
Valiant VK CK 11/75-6/76 5.2L V8 318ci
Dodge Phoenix 1960 on 5.2L 318ci
Dodge Truck 1977 on 5.2L 318ci
Dodge Truck Hemi 1970 on 4.0L 245ci
This carby was a good income stream for the carby rebuilder because these carbs proved to be a poor performer as far as service life between rebuilds go. Several rebuilds during their life would be required to keep them operating satisfactorily. The four long cover screws around the air horn were the biggest design fault causing the top and main body to warp substantially. These carbs can be straightened if done very
carefully with a little heat applied. Most of the time it was more practical to fit a Holley 320 or 350 Holley. Adjusting the carby for good fuel economy is a little tricky. If you follow the instructions given in better quality carb kits then you are not far from the money. However over the years and with the use of a Dynomometer and gas analysis equipment the adjustment of the mixture can be improved. The adjustment is done by the linkage #22 and the allen screw adjuster in #23. I dare say no one will have
the equipment for this task so paying a dyno tuner will be worth the money to have it done right. These carbs also have sealed mixture screws. These plugs should be taken out and discarded. This will allow you freedom of adjustment of the idle mixture. In saying that thou, you must be mindful of the fact that these were designed to burn lean as part of stricter regulations.